
defined in <yorel/yomm2/policy.hpp>, also provided by <yorel/yomm2/core.hpp>, <yorel/yomm2/keywords.hpp>
refs: type_hash

struct type_hash {};

The type_hash facet projects a sparse range of type_ids to a dense range.

Requirements for implementations of type_hash

An implementation of type_hash must provide the following static functions:

hash_initialize implementation dependent
hash_type_id return the hashed type_id

Implementations of type_hash

fast_perfect_hash use a fast, perfect, but not minimal integer hash
checked_perfect_hash like fast_perfect_hash, also check for unregistered classes


template<typename ForwardIterator>
static size_t hash_initialize(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);

Called by another facet in the policy if it requires hashing. vptr_vector in the default policy does that.

The function takes a range of type_ids, and finds a hash function for that specific set of values.


static type_id hash_type_id(type_id type);

Called during method dispatch. Returns the corresponding value in the dense range. type must be one of the type_ids passed to hash_initialize.